Trademark Registration in Bangalore

Trademark Registration in Bangalore

Trademark registration in Bangalore has now become incredibly simple and straightforward. A trademark is an exclusive symbol or name legally registered to represent a company, product, or brand. It provides protection and prohibits others from using the registered brand name. The trademark holder has sole rights to its use and can grant permission for others if needed. The power of a brand name is immense, fostering trust among customers and stakeholders while boosting a company's value in the market.

A trademark which can get online Trademark registration in Bangalore can take various forms like a logo, slogan, tagline, or a combination of words, colours, and shapes. It's an intangible asset that brings numerous advantages to businesses.

There's a notable difference between a trade name and a trademark. A trademark relates to the product being traded, while a trade name identifies a company.

By legal standards, a trademark safeguards against unauthorized use by third parties and indirectly promotes the company. The rightful owner of the trademark holds exclusive rights to its usage.

Leverages of trademark and its registration:

Distinct Recognition:

Your brand becomes easily recognizable among numerous others, embedding itself in people's minds for years to come.

Building Trust and Reputation:

A trademark that's trusted and respected draws in loyal customers, fostering repeat business and successful growth. Thus trademark registration online in Bangalore is important.

Protection from Infringement:

Competitors are barred from using a trademark registered under your ownership. Unauthorized use can lead to legal action for infringement.

Secured Exclusivity:

Online Trademark registration offers a swift and cost-effective way to secure exclusive rights to your brand.

Global Reach:

Registering a trademark provides national coverage and acts as a foundation for international trademark registrations outside India.

Documents Required for Trade mark Registration:

  • Full name and nationality of the applicant, along with business details.
  • Partnership firm details, if applicable.
  • Signed power of attorney by the applicant.
  • For corporate bodies, a power of attorney signed by the Director or legal representative.
  • A copy of the application for preference within 3 months from the registered date.
  • Logo or trademark in JPEG format.
  • A distinct and meaningful mark.
  • Date of the initial use of the service or trademark.