Trademark vs geographical indication

  Trademark may be a brand name specifying the unique characteristics of a product of any organization. Geographical Indicator may be a term used to indicate the geographical uniqueness of a product. Names like Ford and Puma are trademarks, whereas Read More

Trademark objection

  Trademark objection is one of the underlying stages in the Trademark registration process. Trademark objection doesn’t mean a straight disavowal; all things considered, the trademark registration center looks for a legitimate explanation or clarification about the mark and registration. Read More

This blog is a great solution for the question What is trademark litigation and trademark opposition along with associated steps and stages.

Trademark registration in Bangalore – Brand protection & Logo protection

The Trademark registration in Bangalore – Brand protection & Logo protection is one of the intellectual property rights. Hence Trademark registration implies that both the logo and the brand get registered. Let us see in detail about registration about these Read More

Trademark Registration in Maruthi seva nagar –Bangalore

Trademark is defined as one of the intellectual property which consists of sign, design or the expression which represent the business in a symbolic form. It is used so as that it can be easily distinguished from other business companies. Read More

trademark registration

Trending facts of Trademark registration in Bangalore

Trademark registration in Bangalore is an effective communication tool and we are going to explore some trending facts of trademark registration in bangalore. In a single brand and logo we can convey the proprietor’s product. It captures attention for the Read More