Trademark vs geographical indication

  Trademark may be a brand name specifying the unique characteristics of a product of any organization. Geographical Indicator may be a term used to indicate the geographical uniqueness of a product. Names like Ford and Puma are trademarks, whereas Read More

Where to send ITR in Bangalore?

Where to send ITR in Bangalore?

  Income tax return is a form which is filed with the authority. It reports pay, costs, and other pertinent tax data. Tax forms make it simple for citizens to decide their tax liability, plan their tax payments and solicitation Read More

GST in India (vs) Other countries

GST in India (vs) Other Countries

  The idea of the GST is first presented in France in 1950s by a French tax official. From that point forward, numerous different nations took on GST similarly however some acknowledged it in VAT for example Value Added Tax Read More

Company registration consultants near me

  A private limited company is a privately held business element held by private partners. The liability plan, for this situation, is that of a limited company, wherein the risk of an investor stretches out simply up to the quantity Read More

Types of Barcodes

  Barcode labels are valuable instruments for following resources and stock across associations and through the whole store network, however what sort of barcode is generally appropriate for your requirements? A heap of barcode symbolizes exist, some of which are Read More

Conversion of private limited company into public limited company in India

  At the point when a company changes over from a Private Limited Company to a Public Limited Company in India, it opens up an entirely different field for progress through giving admittance to better approaches for raising assets and Read More

How to find lost UAM registration number?

  Udyog Aadhaar Registration will currently be called as Udyam Registration. This Registration is a simple process for all units which are qualified to get covered under the new meaning of MSME’s given by the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. Each Startup Read More

What are the components of ISO 31000?

  ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is an overall league of public norms bodies (ISO part bodies). Crafted by planning International Standards is typically helped out through ISO specialized councils. Every part body inspired by a subject for which Read More

What is the scope of Digital marketing services in 2022?

  On the off chance that you’re considering what the extent of digital marketing in India and overall seems to be, then perusing this blog might be a decent headstart! You can learn about the development, future, nature, work scope; Read More

Trademark objection

  Trademark objection is one of the underlying stages in the Trademark registration process. Trademark objection doesn’t mean a straight disavowal; all things considered, the trademark registration center looks for a legitimate explanation or clarification about the mark and registration. Read More